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Hudson Fellowship Day 8

I'm trying to pick a composition and commit to one scene (or maybe 2) so I can focus my studies towards making a fully developed painting. Having a hard time choosing though, everywhere I look there's something to potentially paint.

This was my atempt today but I don't think I'm going to pursue it. It's too complicated to understand what's going on.

The fatigue is starting to get to me. Not getting enough sleep, plus hiking/scrambling around in the gorge, plus sitting and working for hours in the cold, are all starting to wear me out! Going to try for 9 hours of sleep tonight... my goal is try to sleep at least as many hours of the day as I paint!

Check out the Grand Central Academy Blog which is documenting more sketches from the Fellows, so you can get a closer look at what's on that long table.

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Reader Comments (6)

It' quite good. I have been researching the names of the people attending this years fellowship and the work they produce is stunning. I cant wait to see where all of this goes.
How many days will everyone spend in the field before working on the paintings?

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGregory Becker

Sadie, I wish you a pleasant and deserved night of sound sleep!
Thanks for keeping posting, you rock!

July 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarolina

Thanks Carolina and Gregory!

There's no set working method, in fact there's not much instruction besides seeing what the instructors and more advanced people do, and then evening critiques. We're all just working on our own in the field. The goal is to draw and paint in the field the whole time here, if we do a finished painting we'll do them back in our home studios.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSadie J. Valeri

Hey Sadie, following your journey all the way from Glasgow so please get enough sleep so that you can post your experiences. sleep tight:)

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrahina qh

Sadie, you are such a trooper. Cold (I don't do cold well) and lack of sleep (I don't do lack of sleep well, either) can be really tough, but in the end certainly you will have so much goodness to look back upon. My best, be careful.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTina

This last sketch is my favorite. Because the flow of water come to rest here (with a real life symbolism)
instead of the usual flowing water in brooks. But which ever one you choose to give more detail too will undoubtedly be magnificent. Sleep well !

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdominique eichi
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