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« Plein air in Maine II | Main | Ecorche: Upper arm and some deep leg muscles »

Plein air painting in Maine

I think the landscape of your earliest memories makes an indelible impression, so I am thrilled to be painting on the shores of a lake in Maine!

Yesterday I did a pencil drawing in the morning just to get comfortable working outside again. Then I found a spot in the afternoon for a multiple-session painting and started a monochromatic under painting.

This morning I found a new spot and started a morning painting. My plan is to work on each of them for the rest of the week.

It's been hot, but since I am usually freezing when I paint outside, sitting still in the shade for a couple hours and feeling warm is perfect painting weather. Mosquitos have not even been that bad, only 3 bites so far!

We are staying at my friend Kyra's summer house for the week, and she and Nowell also have projects they are working on a few hours a day, so it's a productive vacation for all of us!

The Hudson Fellowship is going on right now, you can see what they are up to on their blog:

Also you can see all my posts from last year's Hudson Fellowship here:

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Reader Comments (1)

Beautiful painting, Sadie! Please keep posting your progress on these paintings - I love watching how you work.

July 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLinda Tracey Brandon
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